Saturday, July 16, 2005

The right route to privatisation

The success or failure of a privatisation method would depend on a number of factors such as the state of the stock market, the degree of competition, the liberalisation and economic policies (including the extent of foreign ownership), and the level of entrepreneurship available in the country. Read more in the Hindu Businessline, 05 July, 2005.

Privatisation need not be painful...

There are unexplored routes, with success or failure dependent on many factors... Read more in the Financial Express, 05 July, 2005.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Politics of Disinvestment.

Article in Hindu Business Line. June 6, 2005
The politics of disinvestment

Sell-off fund — Will it fall victim to petty politics?

There are a couple of articles recently published by my father in financial newspapers in India. These are to do with the subject of disinvestment and privatization of public sector undertakings.

  • Article in Hindu BusinessLine (Feb 4, 2005) Sell-off fund — Will it fall victim to petty politics?

  • Article In Financial Express (Feb 3, 2005) Clarity needed on selloff fund

  • I'll keep up posting his articles in this blog as and when things get published.